​​Simone Brunello
Italian Wall Finishing


January 24, 2014


Instructions: PLEASE PRINT this page out and write down the answers to each question, then either scan the form back or take a picture and send via email. These are Marble layers on the wall and labour and material come from Italy.  Please note that the minimum sq. ft. work required is 500 and that drywall must be in good conditions: free of holes, cracks, mildew, water stain.  Send completed form to: info@simonebrunello.com

How many square feet would you like to do Grassello on?

What colour of Grassello would you like? (indicate a code from the brochure)

Describe the wall/s where you would like us to do Grassello?

We need to know the high and the width – if ceiling specify the high from the floor, we need to know if the wall is smooth and level, if not please describe it.

Is there wall paper on the wall?

How many doors or windows are there on the wall?

Does the wall have problems such humidity, damaged colour, or others?

Please indicate your:
(if the location of the wall to transform in Grassello wall is different pls indicate it)

First and Last Name: 



(we will send the estimate request when you respond)

Complete the form and send it to:
Email :info@brunellosimone.com

Brunello Geom. Simone - Via G. Garibaldi 22/a – 36030 Caltrano - Vicenza - Italia cell. +39.3937135510

Any question you may have please do not hesitate in asking, it is our pleasure to answer our best and to introduce you to this timeless beautiful Italian wall finishing.  
7944 Fake Ave, Door 56 Wonderland, NYC 12347
+92452 241564 +92452 458564